This book is the result of a post-tsunami research project among the Moklen of Phra Thong Island in Khuraburi District, Phang-nga Province. The research aimed to understand the history of settlement, livelihoods, coastal and island occupation, cultures, rituals, education and ways of learning of the communities before implementing rehabilitation project. The content of the book is divided into 1) History and ways of life, multiethnic living, kinship ties, 2) Land use and land occupation and rice culture, 3) Need assessment on education and learning for the communities, including the information on schools, teachers, scholarships, recommendations on formal education, non-formal education, traditional knowledge and learning sites on Phra Thong Island.
Olivier Ferrari, Narumon Hinshiranan, Kunlasab Utpuay and Jacques Ivanoff. 2006. Turbulence on Ko Phra Thong. Bangkok: AMARIN Printing and Publishing Company Limited.